CAFFEINE-D9 (1,3,7-TRIMETHYL-D9);3,7-Dihydro-1,3,7-(trimethyl-d9)-1H-purine-2,6-dione; 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine-d9; 7-Methyltheophylline-d9; Alert-Pep-d9; Cafalgine-d9; Cafeina-d9; Caffedrine-d9; Caffein-d9; Cafipel-d9; DHCplus-d9; Dasin-d9; Diurex-d9; Durvitan-d9; Guaranine-d9; Hycomine-d9; Koffein-d9; Mateina-d9; Methyltheobromine-d9; Miudol-d9; NSC 5036-d9; New Cetamol-d9; No-Doz-d9; Palergot-C-d9; Phensal-d9; Refresh'n-d9; Shape Plus-d9; Stay Alert-d9; Stim-d9; Synalgos-d9; Thein-d9; Theine-d9; Tri-Aqua-d9; Wigraine-9;
Caffeine-d9 is a fully characterized chemical compound used as a reference standard of API Caffeine. The standard offered is compliant with regulatory guidelines. Caffeine-d9 is used for analytical method development, method validation (AMV), and Quality Controlled (QC) applications during synthesis and formulation stages of drug development and serves as a reference standard for traceability against pharmacopeial standards (USP or EP). Axios Research products are intended for analytical purposes only and are not for human use. CAS - 72238-85-8